Kay Rosen: The Gravity of Language
opening July 20, 2019
20 Railroad Avenue
Stamford, NY 12167
917 362 5415
press release | checklist
Installation view at OSMOS Station, Stamford, NY
Courtesy of the artist and OSMOS Station, Stamford, NY
Kay Rosen
acrylic paint on wall
wall height 10’2”
dimensions of each word 12” x 64.29”
Installation view at OSMOS Station, Stamford, NY
Courtesy of the artist and OSMOS Station, Stamford, NY
Kay Rosen
acrylic paint on wall
wall dimensions 10’2” x 12’4”
overall text 120" x 85” (dimensions variable)
Installation view at OSMOS Station, Stamford, NY
Courtesy of the artist and OSMOS Station, Stamford, NY
Kay Rosen
Sisyphus, 1991
7mins 12secs
Installation view at OSMOS Station, Stamford, NY
Courtesy of the artist and OSMOS Station, Stamford, NY